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    Served over 44-years in the national security arena

    Drafted floor statements; amendments; and policy papers for a US Senator

    Improved drafts of intelligence documents written by others at all levels, including national estimates (NIEs)

  • GOAL

    How best to design, improve, and reshape your work

I have been fortunate enough to spend over 44 years in the same profession--the national security arena.  I have had the opportunity to draft numerous intelligence products for all levels of intelligence officers and policy officials.  I have even had the opportunity to serve on the personal staff of a United States Senator where I drafted floor statements; amendments; and policy papers.  Most of my career, however, has been devoted to leading the intelligence process, which includes improving drafts of intelligence documents written by others at all levels, including national intelligence estimates.  My expectations of what a well-written product looks like have been shaped by these many years of experience and teaching others to write clear, effective, and persuasive prose.  Although I am not a trained copy editor; over time I have learned many of the tricks of the trade, including how best to design, improve, and reshape the work of others.  My goal is to make your writing more understandable; it must "flow."  And, yes, it will be grammatically correct.